
Welcome to the official source of information about the Pleasantville High School Class of 1986 thirtieth reunion!

Our reunion will be during the weekend of October 7th through the 9th, 2016, and there will be two events which will require prepayment. See the Events page for more details.

We will be updating this site with information as we receive it (or think of it!), so check back often!


We have reserved a block of rooms at the Comfort Inn in Hawthorne for our group for Friday and Saturday night at $130 per night.

Our contact at the hotel is Wendy, at 914-592-8600, and “Class of ’86” is the group name.


Submit pictures for the slideshow! See the Submit Pictures page for more details.

More Information

If you have any questions, have an idea for an activity for the weekend, or would like to help in some way, send an email to info@phs86.party.